Zolar Lamp-shades™

Build with Zolar Cells™, Zolar Cell Modules™ or Solar Cells, Solar Cell Modules

Are build with ZolarCells™, ZolarCellModules™, or both on at least one layer on outer surface area of each Zolar Lamp-Shade™ (ZLS™). 

The ZolarCells™,  ZolarCellModules™ are zoned, meaning each ZolarCells™ or ZolarCellModules™ are monitored.

However each quadrant surface sectioned area of the i2LampShade™ are monitored for watt 
production, deterioration rate of at least a cluster of three or more clustered ZolarCells™ or 
ZolarCellModules™ within four (4) or more quadrant sections; battery charging an 
deteriorationrate of battery, or off additional items not being listed.

  SolarCells™ or SolarCellModules™ are built with spaces between multiple arrays with three or more interconnected 
clusters of diverse configurations of SolarCells™ or SolarCellModules™

ZolarLampShades™ are of a higher cost than ZolarLampShades™ due to the extra cost in designed features.

FIRST USE: 20191219. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20191219


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All Rights Reserved Worldwide.